July 29, 8:46 a.m. - There was a party the night before, and it was also someone's birthday. Everyone partied till they either got too drunk or too high to know what was happening. I remember being around people I did not know whatsoever and we were laughing and bonding over the cake. I ate a piece, then eventually felt the need to go outside. I then proceeded to puke. I was fine after that, and for the rest of the night I lied on the bathroom floor keeping my friend company while he puked into a toilet the whole night until he passed out with his head inside it.

October 6, 8:11 a.m. - This is a normal morning in my household. Everything is still, but the night before shows no stillness. Every night is filled with watching something whether it's a tv show, sports game, etc. while dinner is being made.

October 9, 9:07 a.m. - It's always a busy time here at my friend's house. People come and go but you know they had a great time. Talking, laughing, etc. is what brings everyone together here. The busyness keeps their attention, not worrying about anything else until it needs to be worried about.

October 23, 9:48 a.m. (1 of 2) - We drove up to my friend's lake house for his birthday. Just the guys and the outdoors by the water. It doesn't get any more relaxing than that. We play outside, swim in the water, go for a boat ride or two, and play board games. The guys decided to play beer pong the night before, just to have an extra amount of fun. I may have not had as much as them, but it's always fun to be around the people you care about.

October 23, 9:49 a.m. (2 of 2) - Same lake house, different view. I love the walls and how everything feels very "vintage". This spot in the kitchen is great because you can get a whole view of the lake and outside while seeing all the beauty from inside. So many people come through here, and it's a cool feeling to know that many breakfasts, lunch, and dinners have been made in here. Faces & people are in and out, but the memories are what's left behind.

December, 3:00 a.m. - another party. another waste of time. another clueless time wondering why I traveled there in the first place. Wasn't long before I decided why I didn't have fun. The mess was there long before the party.